This weekend has to be one of the first that I’ve really enjoyed in London. Funny, since I wasn’t even in town for half of it. Saturday me and Dean walked from my place to downtown, and spent some time in Victoria park watching the squirrels dig up the nuts they planted last year.
On the way there we got to walk under a train, and Dean managed to get some really good pictures of it.
We also saw another chair in the river.
Later on I dreaded my hair. Sectioning it was a pain, since I’d never done that before. Not to mention I couldn’t see what I was doing on the back of my head at all. I got Dean to help with that part, so if any of the back looks weird you guys can blame him. I’m going to. 😉
(Please excuse the pile of crap). The finished product:
Today was another fun adventure. We went to Oil Springs to visit Brier Run Alpacas since it’s shearing weekend and they were having an open house. One of the alpacas kept yawning.
I gave one of the puppies a good ear scratching and he begged for more attention when I tried to leave.
I also bought some brown fibre to spin. It’s got small amounts of blue silk streaked in it, and is going to be very pretty once it’s spun up. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet, but I plan on taking pictures of the process when I do decide.
I like the chair in the river. And I like the yawning picture.
why does it say ass? sheesh…
Your hair looks good dreaded! I’ve always been to chicken to do mine.
Everyone seems to have gone to the alpaca farm last weekend. I wish I’d have known! I guess it wouldn’t have mattered much since I was at my brothers in Kingston… but still! Oh well.
The fibre you got sounds fabulous!